Clyde McKay River Park in Bend OregonClyde McKay River Park
166 Shevlin Hixon Drive
Bend, OR 97702

I went messing around downtown Bend a couple of weeks ago. This was right after all the snow melted here, it was warm for a while. I wanted to play with a little close up photography, and got some interesting shots.
I played with some lighting in my close up photography.

I found a cluster of three pine cones on a tree down by the Deschutes river. It was right around sunset, so I tried a shot with the flash, and one without the flash. The two shots of on this post were taken seconds apart, so you can see the lighting effect that happened.
The photo with the dark background, is actually the shot I took using the flash. It illuminated the pine cones nicely, while sort of lost focus on the background. I kind of like the effect the flash had on the image.
The second image was taken with the suppressed flash (or no flash).

You can see that it was still decently light outside. There was a little better contrast of color, you can see a green film on the pine cones.
Next, I went and walk around on the footbridge. The footbridge is just down river from the Old Mill District, and parallels SW Colorado Ave. Just before the Colorado and Simpson roundabout.

There was a duck just milling around in water, right before the spillway. You can see the Old Mill Smoke Stacks reflect in the water. I was hoping my digital camera would have had a little stronger zoom for this shot. It still turned out decent.

My final shot for this post, is from the footbridge on the walk back to Clyde McKay River Park. It was right at sunset. One of the lamps along the bridge was position right in front of the sun. I was originally going to go for silhouette style of photo. Where the lamp's outline was layered over the subtle sun. After a little maneuvering, I was able to capture an shot to where it looked like the sunset was actually the lamp's glow. I think with a little higher quality of digital camera, this shot could have turned out amazing. It's still kind of cool though.
Other Great shots by BendOregonPhotography:
Brooks Park
35 NW Drake Rd.
Bend, OR 97701